Our Club Ethos

Walking football is different to all other forms of football. Our main goals are not related to results, it’s about having fun, making friends, increasing health and fitness, reducing isolation, improving our wellbeing and being inclusive of all.

To achieve our goals we have an ethos. By turning up to play at or for Walton Walking Football you are agreeing to accept, follow and play by this ethos:

• To treat every person at WWF with respect.
• To always encourage and not to abuse anyone verbally.
• To respect any player who is less able physically or ability wise.
• To appreciate that some players will attend for fun, exercise and friendship and not to win football games.
• To never complain to or argue with a referee, if we do we are taking it too seriously.
• To have a duty of care for the health and wellbeing of everyone.
• Not to use any offensive words or gestures.
• To deliberately not challenge for a ball that could endanger or make contact with a fellow player.
• To deliberately try to walk at all times on the pitch.
• To look out for players that don’t look well or have gone quiet.

We all want to stay mobile and continue enjoying our daily activities independently. Doing a bit of regular activity will keep you feeling healthy and happier in later life.

Retirement brings with it more free time. Perhaps it’s time to rekindle old friendships and get to know each other again? There’s no better way than by doing a sport or outdoor activity together.

Click The Link below to download a PDF of The Club Ethos at Walton Walking Football.
